Questions & Answers

Is there a page/note outlining that older firmware is required for succesful connection?

+2 votes
I've noticed many older vehicles actually require older versions flashed on the EVO.
asociée à une réponse pour: Help With Evo-All Programming Trouble Shooting
posté Juil 31, 2014 dans la catégorie Honda par dion tosevski (150 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Hi, in most cases once the EVO is connected to the Flashlink Manager software and the vehicle fields are populated, the correct firmware will pop up.
répondu Juil 31, 2014 par Darren hynes (2,950 points)
0 votes
The J1850 data bus found on older GM and Chrysler vehicles was removed from firmware above 4.06. So the preloaded 4.18 would not work on any of those vehicles.


In the latest vehicle specific firmwares, we started re-introdicing the J1850 databus. We still recommend using 4.06 because technically, we cannot physically test the J1850 compatibility of the NEWEST firmwares on older vehicles. Latest firmwares (which may say (BETA)) are supposed to work if the description of the firmware says "Added J1850"..
répondu Juil 31, 2014 par Robert T (304,000 points)