Questions & Answers

i am unable to program my module. i have been trying for hours. are the servers down? When will they be back up?

0 votes
it keeps telling me the " requested firmware is not available" try again later. it's been 5 hours. the customers wants to pick up there car. what do I tell them? should I use a different brand?
posté Jan 8 dans la catégorie FAQ par matt faulkner (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

There is currently an issue with the flasher/dcryptor. I have no eta on a return time.

Please try again later, your patience is appreciated.

Best regards.
répondu Jan 8 par derek g (358,430 points)
Servers are back online today, you should be able to flash or dcrypt the module now.
Best regards.