Questions & Answers

Jeep has power but does not crank?

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I have programmed the unit sn: 001A07 415854 Evo All. Installed with wiring harness THAR-CHR4 (Both Yellow wires on the harness are connected together). Programmed the unit. All these went according to the documentation, correct leds and all.

My vehicle is a 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0CRD Limited with Start Button

I do the 3x Lock Blue Led comes on every time I press the lock button. Then all power comes on, a few seconds later the red and yellow led is solid and the radio shuts off just like it does while it cranks but no crank??

What could I be doing wrong?

Many Thanks!!

posté Fev 3, 2023 dans la catégorie Jeep par Nev (130 points)
modifié Fev 3, 2023 par Nev

1 Réponse

0 votes
does the red yellow on the red connector get 12v when it attempts to start ?
répondu Fev 4, 2023 par Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
Yep it sure does! When the Red and Yellow become solid I see 12v at Yellow/Red cable with a 20mv drop early for a few seconds 2 maybe 3 (Glow Plugs drop voltage from 13.1 to 12.9) so I am assuming that some sequence is starting!