Questions & Answers

Seems like there's no power to Rfk442 antenna without key in ignition

0 votes
All programming worked, as per the instructions. Evo-all flashed fine and now has a slow blinking blue light. Programming the Rf442 went perfectly as per the instructions. Once I remove the key though, the antenna light stays off and the truck won't auto start (fob's lights and sounds work properly).
posté Oct 22, 2021 dans la catégorie Ram par jason smith2 (130 points)
modifié Oct 22, 2021 par jason smith2

1 Réponse

0 votes
This may be due to how the evo is configured.

What is the S/N to the unit? This is located on the back of the module.
répondu Oct 22, 2021 par derek g (357,580 points)
Hi, thanks for your comment. S/N is 001A07 272018
According to the S/N the module has not been programmed properly. This may be the reason the rf kit is not working.


I would suggest re programming the evo in the vehicle and re running the dcryptor ensuring that it passes dcryptor.
I see what you mean. I do think I messed up with the programming. My problem now is that I can't find Dcryptor anywhere in the Flashlink Manager. Search continues.....
In pro mode the dcrypyor tab is on the left hand side of the screen.


In wizard mode click the 3 lines in the upper left hand corner, then all the way at the bottom it will say dcryptor.
Found it!
Everything is working now. Thank you.
Glad you got it going.


Best Regards.