Questions & Answers

FlashLink connection via OBD-2 port?

0 votes
Is it possible to connect the FlashLink module to the EVO-ALL via the OBD-2 connection port when a t-Harness such as the THAR-FOR3 is used?  This would make connection to the EVO much faster than accessing the module to connect directly.  I am assuming the CAN+ and CAN- are the communication lines that the EVO-ALL is using to interface with the Ford data bus.  Thank you.
posté Dec 27, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par Kutech (760 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
You can use a flash link mobile if you want to set up modules in the vehicle.
répondu Dec 28, 2020 par derek g (358,430 points)