Questions & Answers

Decryptor limit, Decryptor issue, 2012 Passat tdi

–1 vote
Trying to get my remote start in my 12 Passat TDI working. When I get to the decryptor  stage 2 it just has solid orange and red light on when you turn on the key, and stops there, After multiple attempts I am locked out.

Sn 001A07 071025
asked Nov 30 in Volkswagen by Bradv (350 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

I have submitted your module for reset. It will be ready for use within 24 hours.

Best regards.
answered 3 weeks ago by derek g (347,230 points)
Any idea why I cannot get past the first decrypt stage? It t harness vwt6 so there is really only 2 wires to hook up, I didn't need the brake signal, only thing I need to wire in was the key ring signal.
Perhaps try flashing firmware 75.41 and re attempt programming.

A master reset is probably a good idea as well, be sure to re enable the options once thr eset is done.

Best regards.
0 votes
The module wasn't getting a ignition signal on a1 wire, I hooked the loose ignition wire in the harness to the a1 wire (same color) and it works now.
answered 3 weeks ago by Bradv (350 points)