Questions & Answers

What else do I need to purchase?

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I recently purchased the remote start for my 2016 Toyota 4Runner. It’s the EVO-ONE model and my 4Runner has a standard key. I got the module installed and programmed but I do not know how to start the vehicle. I tried pressing lock button 3 times and it doesn’t work. Is there something else required to buy and install or what is the problem. If I need to purchase something else what exactly do I need? 

posté Fev 9, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par Devin Glotfelty (130 points)

1 Réponse

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Yes, you need an RF kit (

Remote start from the OEM remote is not supported for that truck.

répondu Fev 10, 2020 par derek g (336,040 points)