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No crank/start after module replacement. Flashing PATS light.

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December 2015 I installed the EVO-All with the Crimestopper FS-89 remote starter in my 2009 Ford Flex standard key using guide 3318, connection 2A ( soldered ), 2 key program. Install and programming went smoothly and the system worked flawlessly until the summer of 2019. At that time the car wouldn't start with the key. After doing some troubleshooting I found the EVO-All module to be the problem. Once I unplugged it the car would key start normally. So I ordered a new module and installed it using the same programming method as the original install. Programmed with no problem but it will not crank/start the vehicle when remote started and the PATS light flashes. It will remote start if I hold the key transponder near the barrel. I tried all the recommendations advised in the troubleshooting guide on the website. Still no remote start.
posté Jan 5, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par Friz (180 points)

1 Réponse

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Is the red led On while the car is off?


Any ttaps anywhere?
répondu Jan 6, 2020 par Robert T (299,650 points)
élue Jan 8, 2020 par Friz
Thanks for the reply Robb. I don't have access to the car right now and I'm not 100% sure but I want to say there are no led lights on the module with the car off. I'll double check in the morning though. I can say that the yellow and red led lights come on during the remote start process, which I believe indicates that I have ignition and ground while running. The ignition does come on but no crank/start unless the key is near the barrel. All soldered connections. No ttaps.
So, I verified this morning that there are no led lights on the module with the car off. Is there a way to verify the module is communicating on the RX & TX wires? I can see CAN-bus activity when the door locks are activated with the Crimestopper FS-89 remote.
Red LED should be turning on when remote starting. If it is not, check the Ground while running connection, A8.


Turn off any option that is Unlock Before Start in the remote starter and in the EVO.
Yes, the yellow and red L.E.D.'s are on during the remote start attempt. "Unlock Before Start" is set to off for the EVO and remote starter. I re-programmed using DCRYPTOR and got the same results: Flashing PATS security light and no crank/start, unless key is near the ignition barrel.

The old module was running firmware version 71.31. This new module is running the recommended version 71.49. Is it possible there is a compatibility issue?

Try this.

  1. Ground the ground while running (red led will turn on)
  2. Then activate the starter. 
  3. Does car start?

If yes, there's a timing problem somewhere. 

If no, 

  1. Check the Tx connection
  2. Connect RED/BLUE to the remote starter Starter wire. 
  3. Try another firmware.
Problem solved! Ended up finding the TX wire pulled out of the harness connector at the module. I didn't notice it before because I had the connector wrapped with electrical tape to secure the yellow ignition wire as it had pulled out during the initial installation. When I get a chance I'll swap the harness out since I have the spare from this new module. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.
nice find!