Questions & Answers

2013 Prius C

0 votes
Installed a remote start on a 2013 Prius vehicle starts and stops as it should from the key and the remote start but customer is saying there is now a hybrid error showing on the dash.  There arent any check engine lights on just saying the hybrid system needs service.  I called tech support and they suggested going to the dealer for service but the customer took it to a local service station who said the remote start is causing the problem.  Has anyone else had this issue?  i don't believe its from the remote start as I said it functions normally
posté Mai 29, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par Karl Kuhn (320 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
how many miles does the car have? maybe his batteries are due
répondu Mai 29, 2019 par Robert T (299,950 points)
Not sure but I will check when he brings the vehicle in.  So if your theory is correct it isn't the remote start causing the issue?  That's really my question trying to inform the customer that it isn't the remote start but the car itself