Questions & Answers

Ignition activates when unlock is pressed

0 votes
The ignition turns on when you go to unlock the doors with the remote fob. Just for a second or two. Is there a option that I need to activate with the programmer? It could possibly be the remote start. It's an over seas unit purchased on amazon by the customer. Didnt have time to diag remote start. It starts the engine and locks the doors with no problem. 2014 f150
posté Jan 9, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Kyle Kliever (270 points)
modifié Jan 9, 2017 par Kyle Kliever

1 Réponse

0 votes
This is normal on ford vehicles.

The factory alarm is dis abled by powering ignition and sending transponder codes when pressing unlock.
répondu Jan 9, 2017 par derek g (348,060 points)