Questions & Answers

2005 chevy Silverado help

0 votes
I just finished installing evo one into chevy Silverado it programmed fine but I am wondering how to start car I know on the fords you press lock button 3x but the instructions it says press start button but I'm unsure what it is referring to is there a remote that was supposed to come with my evo one?also if I'm suppose to order an rf kit which one do I need to order also do I will I need to order a passlock
posté Jan 4, 2017 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Justin Blunk (160 points)
modifié Jan 4, 2017 par Justin Blunk

1 Réponse

+1 vote
the vehicle is not compatible with 3x lock from OEM remote as seen here:

The evo-one does not come with remotes, you will need a RF kit to control the remote start functionality which is also listed on the same page as previously linked.
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (336,040 points)