Questions & Answers

Cruze won't start

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I have a 2011 Cruze the remote start worked great. One day my wife gets in drives down the road gets out gets back in she went to start the car and no start. I checked. I scan the for codes gives me a U0073 no communication. Can this remote module cause this.
posté Aout 20, 2016 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Francisco alafa (130 points)

1 Réponse

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That is a generic code for an error detected on the "A" Can Bus circuit,  which can be caused by any of the modules currently connected on this Can Bus circuit


If you believe that the evo is what is causing the issue on your can bus, then simply unplugging the Can connector (white 5 pin connector) should let your vehicle start normally. RED CONNECTOR MUST BE CONNECTED AT ALL TIMES TO LET VEHICLE START NORMALLY. (since in this particular vehicle, we use the red connector to open a wire to permit remote starting)

Thank you,
répondu Aout 22, 2016 par J M (64,070 points)