Questions & Answers

2008 Nissan Altima wiring info

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I'm going to use a EVO-ALL to install a Avital 5303L alarm\remote start and looking at guide #3694 it does not list a 2008 push to start (AT)  but I assume I could use the 09-12 guide. Am I right?

Looking at the 09-12 info, do i just need to hookup the wires labeled to make the whole system work or do I also need to hookup any remaining wires needed from the remote start system
posté Sept 28, 2014 dans la catégorie Nissan par Miguel Zapata (130 points)

2 Réponses

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That would appear to be a mistake in the guide as it lists 2007-2012 altima (MT) and i can confirm that they are the same.


As long as you follow the guide you should be ok as it lists all the major connections, just make sure you find a good ground and verify the wires before connecting (especially parklights and doorpin as they do not list color/location in the guide)
répondu Sept 29, 2014 par Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
0 votes
The installation guide shows you the required wires to be able to remote start the vehicle. No need for anything else than what is in that guide.
répondu Sept 29, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)