Questions & Answers

2012 Kia Optima Push-to-Start

+1 vote

I have the evo-all with latest firmware and in D2D mode to an Avital 4003L. I would like to use the OEM FOB to remote start the vehicle.

Can I just turn on option 14 for OEM remote monitoring and not have to use the activation input wire on the remote start system?  Or do I need to have that activation input wire on the remote start hooked up to something like the door lock wire?

posté Juil 11, 2014 dans la catégorie Kia par Matt Frohlich (220 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Turn on OEM remote monitoring. Make sure option f3 is also on; this sets the EVO to D2D. You should also be using the latest firmware for your vehicle.

You can also use the activation input on the avital instead.
répondu Juil 11, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)