Questions & Answers

2016 infiniti Q7 (diesel)

0 votes
Hello. I have now installed evo-all (001A07582812) on a 2016 Infiniti Q7 (diesel). With remote start, the ignition opens, but does not start...the turn signals flash 7 times.
posté Mai 8 dans la catégorie Infiniti par G M (14,260 points)
ré-ouvertes Mai 10 par G M

1 Réponse

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Enable Diesel mode, see if adding the required delay helps.
répondu Mai 8 par Robert T (299,650 points)
élue Mai 10 par G M
No, it didn't help. This is a Korean car. Even the Start-Stop wire is not red, but brown next to red. Probably the starter wire needs to be found.
Started on the second try. What to do?
I was wrong... This is a Q50 and not a Q7
Out of 8-10 attempts it starts once
Whats the exact model of this car?

The Q50 and Q50 2.0T use two completely different installation diagrams.