Questions & Answers

2010 VW GTI

0 votes
Hi guys. I am trying to install an evo all with rfk411. The problem is that the lock and unlock works but the car doesn't start when I let pressed the button for 3 sec, nothing happens. The serial number of my box is: 001A07468752. I didnt try use w/o key cuz the guide said: BETA TESTING! Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

key wrapped over the transponder if not it doesnt works and said key not detected, like that works perfect when I press lock button x3.

guide I am using.
posté Fev 14, 2023 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Munito (1,500 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


If you ground the yellow/black wire on the 20 pin connector of the evo-all, what happens to the unit and vehicle?


Best regards.
répondu Fev 14, 2023 par derek g (336,040 points)
Dunno Derek, I have to try. I will let you know later. Thanks you.
Hi Derek. I am so sorry for delay the costumer was very busy until today. The wire yellow black doesn't work. I used another box, reprogrammed the module again and it worked perfectly. I think it had some modification. That's why I preferred to do everything from the beginning. Thanks you so much anyway.