Questions & Answers

2011 Explorer Parking Light Wires

+1 vote
Have an EVO ALL with t harness.  Followed the wiring diagram pretty well hooking up.   The only wires other than the CAM wires that i spliced were the yellow and light blue wires from the 20 pin to the t harness.  I watched a couple you tube videos and read thru this forum, but for my vehicle, im not seeing much about the parking lights.  The parking light wiring on the wiring diagram I cannot follow.  Can you tell me what wire(s) i need to hook to the BCM and if any other wires need to be hooked up and to where, for the lights to work.   Thanks for your help!
asked Jan 26, 2016 in Ford by Seth Skorcz (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Parking lights on your vehicle are done with a relay as shwon in the guide. The relay is not included. The evo-all puts out a negative output on the brown/white wire but the parking light wire in the vehicle is positive.

So you need to use a relay to switch the polarity making the negative output from brown/white, trigger the relay and turn it into a positive output.. Test the wire before connecting to it.
answered Jan 26, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)

This is how it is wired up, this was taken from the guide for your vehicle.
