Questions & Answers

RM912 doesn't programming

0 votes
Trying to programming rf kit RM912, but during the process red led on remote and no confirmation after 12 sec.
posté Dec 3, 2019 dans la catégorie Jeep par ANATOLY VISHNEV (180 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
When you are holding the button down, after red comes on, keep holding the button, when it turns blue, let go.
répondu Dec 3, 2019 par derek g (357,420 points)
élue Dec 3, 2019 par Robert T
Thank you guys, of course i did it. Anyway, remote is working although i didn't get confirmation!
0 votes
Press and Hold button on remote. The LED will flash rapidly. It will then turn off and back on.

Once it turns back on, release the button.
répondu Dec 3, 2019 par Robert T (303,690 points)
Okay. Let me start from the beginning. Seems like I didn't explain correctly. I did everything as shown into instructions. Blue and red led are solid, after i hold button again till blue and red. Then turn the key to on position- leds are blue yellow and red and antenna led is rapidly blinking. Then i hold the button on rm912 remote, blue led is on for a moment, then red led on after 2 sound signals and no confirmation that long range remote programmed.

I have the same remote.

Aside from what i said, make sure your finger isnt letting go of the button early


Press and Hold button on remote. The LED will flash rapidly. It will then turn off and back on. Once it turns back on, release the button. It takes about 10-12 secs for the it to go through. 



Thank you! Will try again!
check dereks comment. He has a better description.